combination skin

MS. P, 40S

I have been using the Beyond Geisha Facial Cleanser and Age Embrace Moisturiser for over 3 years to date. My experiences are all positive. I continue to enjoy the simplicity of routine. I no longer need to exfoliate saving time and money. The combination  of the warmed face cloth and the scent of the exotic oils begin and end my day in blissful relaxation.

Traditionally my skin is a combination of normal with an oily T zone. While using Beyond my skin is cleaner and softer. My skin looks and feels cleaner and clearer. I have never experienced white heads, black heads or blocked pores. This is because the  essential oils break down the skin oils leaving skin surface cleaner and clearer. 

I have no issues in recommending Beyond to anyone who is looking to move forward in their skin care regime.


Acne Scars with mature Skin

Ms. Q, 40S

I had some difficult skin conditions with an oily forehead and nose as well as dry flaky skin below both cheeks, where there were some acne scars. The acne scars were getting more obvious as I get older and the pores more obvious.

Since I started using Beyond products, my skin has changed gradually. My combination skin became normal, the colour of acne scars started to fade, and I now have an even skin tone. Most surprisingly the Yin Balm has smoothed the acne scars, and also tightened my pores. I found the pigmentation on my fingers has started to fade as well as I use the Geisha cleansing oil everyday.

I am so impressed with Beyond products! 


Normal skin

MS. L, 30S

I have been using beyond skin cleansing oil for the past two years and I absolutely love the way it makes my skin feel after my night time cleansing regimen. This product is so nourishing and leaves my skin feeling so hydrated! In addition to this I LOVE to apply the Yin Balm before bed to treat my skin, the action of massaging this beautiful smelling product with beautiful jasmine helps with improving circulation and skin tone. I look forward to using these products and I trust this brand wholeheartedly and feel very comfortable using it knowing all ingredients are natural, safe and of the highest quality. Note: A little goes a long way!


Dry skin with Rosacea

Ms. J, 30s

I started using Beyond products over a year ago. I have always had rosacea which causes redness and thickening of the skin on my face, specifically around the cheeks and a little patch on my chin. Over the years I have tried many different creams and products to try to improve my skin with little effect.

As I started using the Yin balm it took about a month for my skin to get used to it. The skin was so thick and dry that nothing would enter it. But after a month the oil started making a difference and began to soak in. Over the next few months my skin started to soften little by little and gain a bit more elasticity. Then over a few more months the redness started decreasing as well. My partner was really surprised and often told me that he had never seen my skin looking so good.

I have been using the Geisha cleansing oil as a cleanser and also a makeup remover. It is so gentle and smells lovely. After using it my skin feels refreshed and moisturized.

I am really happy with my skin now and am very grateful for all the hard work Iris has done to create such amazing products.

dry Acne skin

MS. A, 30S



妊娠中、出産後の肌が敏感になった時も、ほぼ大きなトラブルなく過ごせた。 今ではないと絶対困る、手放せない存在。
